The improved Systematic Review Data Repository Plus (SRDR+): A free, “FHIR-ed up” tool for screening, data extraction, and data sharing

Date & Time
Tuesday, September 5, 2023, 11:25 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Session Type
Oral presentation
Evidence synthesis innovations and technology
Oral session
Evidence synthesis innovations and technology
Saldanha I1, Jap J2, Smith B3, Adam G3, Alper B4, Balk E3
1Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA
2Mycenaean Ltd., Taiwan
3Brown University School of Public Health, USA
4Computable Publishing, Inc., USA

Data Sharing Making data gathered during systematic reviews (SRs) publicly available could reduce unnecessary duplication, support analyses for secondary research questions, and facilitate methodological research. However, only a third of recent SRs have data availability statements, and among those, only 13% have downloadable data from a website/repository. What Is SRDR+? The Systematic Review Data Repository Plus (SRDR+) is a free, online platform for screening and extracting, archiving, and sharing data gathered during SRs. Since inception, it has had 10,083 user accounts from 117 countries. Data have been made publicly available (open access) for 225 SRs containing 19,898 studies on numerous topics. The US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) funds SRDR+. Key Features of SRDR+ SRDR+ is an open-source relational database that allows machine learning–informed screening, flexible data extraction and risk of bias assessment, data adjudication, and data sharing. Newly enhanced SRDR+ features include (1) a data comparison tool to help adjudicate duplicate independently extracted data and (2) a single location for handling citations for abstract screening through full-text screening, data extraction, and data export. SRDR+ can also share data that were not initially extracted into SRDR+ (i.e., data can be imported from other platforms). “FHIR-ed up” Data Sharing Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a standard for electronic exchange of health data. The Evidence-Based Medicine on FHIR (EBMonFHIR) initiative is developing standards for sharing SR data, such as citations, study design, population/intervention/exposure/outcome definitions, results, risk of bias, and certainty of evidence. We are enabling SRDR+ to fully comply with FHIR to facilitate data sharing and allow interoperability of SR data with other platforms, including for guideline development (e.g., MAGICapp) and study registries (e.g., SRDR+ FHIR-enabled resources will be available via a representational state transfer (RESTful) application programming interface (API), which facilitates backwards compatibility, and will be human readable through the Fast Evidence Interoperability Resources (FEvIR) platform. Plan for the Colloquium Presentation We will provide an overview of SRDR+ and demonstrate progress in making SRDR+ fully FHIR enabled. Patient Involvement Although no patients were involved in this abstract, various SRDR+ projects have involved patient collaborators and contain data for patient-important outcomes.