Mapping Reviews and Evidence Gap Maps: Evidence syntheses for broader health questions

Date & Time
Monday, September 4, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Session Type
Workshop - training
Evidence synthesis innovations and technology
Target audience
Review authors, researchers with an interest in developing evidence gap maps maps
Level of difficulty

Background: Demand for evidence syntheses to inform health practice, policy, and research agendas has grown exponentially with methods evolving to address the increasingly diverse types of questions that patients, practitioners, and policymakers pose. Mapping reviews and evidence gap maps (EGMs) have emerged over recent years to answer broader research questions. They aim to identify gaps in existing evidence and guide future research. Typically, mapping reviews and EGMs have a visual output that can be interpreted by a wide range of key stakeholders, including patients. We will draw on our expertise undertaking EGMs across a diverse range of topics (including preterm birth, medicines repurposing and elder abuse) to illustrate their utility and method. Learning Outcomes: Workshop attendees will gain an awareness of mapping review and EGM method including when suitable for use; gain an awareness of stakeholder involvement and engagement in mapping reviews and EGMs; be able to create a framework for an EGM; and be able to create an EGM using EPPI-Mapper. Embedded signposting within handout materials will enable self-directed learning to a greater depth.
Description: · 5 minutes: Introduction to workshop facilitators and how the session will run. · 15 minutes: Overview of mapping review/EGM purpose using examples from health and social care research. Use of an interactive e-learning tool to reinforce understanding. · 10 minutes: Small group work designing and assessing the suitability of research questions for EGMs. · 15 minutes: Introduction to methods for undertaking an EGM, including stakeholder involvement and engagement, particularly focused on EGM framework development. · 30 mins: Small group work to create an EGM framework for a pre-defined question using physical materials and a “walk the wall” facilitation approach. · 10 mins: Demonstration of EPPI-Mapper software for EGM creation. · 20 mins: Attendees use EPPI-Mapper to create their own EGM. · 5 mins: Round-up of learning outcomes and close. · Post-workshop: An interactive online tool (Padlet) will allow participants to reflect on their learning and indicate if they would like to know more about anything. We will collate responses and use them to create an FAQ with signposted resources.